Reading Bible Stories


Monday, 16 March 2015

God made the World

God has always been God. He has always been God and will always be God. God made the world in six days, and then on the seventh day, He rested. I think it would be interesting to take each of these days one by one and see what God did each day. 
The earth was formless and empty and it was very dark everywhere. The Spirit of God was there, just hovering over the surface of the water. 

  * Then on day 1 , God spoke and this is what He said," Let there be light" (KJV) and there was light. God saw that the light was good! Then He separated the light from the darkness. The light time of the day, God called it day and the dark time, He called night. So that is why we have day time and night time. It is because God made it so on the very first day ever! 

* On day 2, God made the heavens and sky. Once again He just spoke the words. The Bible says that God said "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters" (kjv) and that is how the heavens were formed.


* Now it was day 3 and what do you think God made on day 3? 
God did a lot of work on the third day! God made the dry land and called it earth. He made the water gather together into seas. God  saw all that He was making that it was good. God still had more work to do on the third day. He kept working and once again He spoke and said "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed,and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth ". Every time God spoke, things were created exactly as He wanted.


* Day 4 ...what did God make on day 4? On the fourth day, God once again spoke as He continued to make the world. God said "Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.  Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth. "( NLT ) Then it happened exactly as God said, and the sun, the moon and the stars were formed. God saw that it was good! 

*On day 5  God continued on with the creation. God said "Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind. "  So God created all the fish, and the animals that live in the sea and all the different kinds of birds. God did an amazing work on the fifth day and today we can look up into the sky and see so much of what He created so very long ago. 


* Then on day 6 God did a very special work. He made all the animals that live on the land. God made the animals big and small, the tiny little mouse, the bears, elephants and giraffes. Can you name some of your favorite animals?  God made each one of them, it was His plan that the world be filled with all sorts of animals. God is so very wonderful! God saw that all He had made was good!
God also made man on the sixth day. He made us in His own image because we as people are very special to Him. We are His children. The Bible says "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."(KJV) God made both man and woman, both are created in His image. God said that people are to rule over the animals. This means that we are to take good care of all of the animals but we must never pray to them or worship any animal or bird or anything that God has made. We must pray only to God, to Jesus. Then when God looked at what He had made, He saw that it was very good! 
The creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was now finished.

*Do you know what happened on day 7? The Bible says that God rested and He wanted it to be a day that would holy.

"And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation." (NLT) 

 For Discussion: You may be wondering why we now rest on Sunday instead of Saturday. Sunday is the first day of the week right? And Saturday is the seventh day of the week. The reason why we now keep Sunday as our holy day of rest is because after Jesus died on the cross, He was buried in the tomb, then He became alive on the Sunday. Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday! I believe that is why we worship God on Sunday now. God still wants us to keep one day of the week holy for Him and honor Him in a special way every week.

God Created the World 

(photos - hiswordforhispeople. ,rosevilleluthern,  hannahbiggieblogspot,, Yeshua.wordpress)

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